Master List

All the Things on My Give it 100 Goal List:

1. Making Pinterest Projects
2. Doing something new
3. Crafts
4. Sharing Inspiring Thoughts
5. Learning Mandolin (This goal is on hold until I get a new mandolin).
6. Juggling
7. Slaying procrastination
8. Guitar
9. Exploring musical instruments
10. Improving my income
11. Singing
12. Progress Report
13. Accepting my body the way it is.
14. Tackling 1 big thing
15. Songwriting
16. MIME
17. Focusing on Happiness
18. Hypnosis
19. Belly dancing
20. New Eating Plan
21. New hairstyle each day
22. Putting together a daily outfit
23. Hooping
24. Making and playing a washboard
25. Turning my yard into a Utopia
26. Tarot
27. Costuming
28. Redecorating
29. Swapping game
30. Painting art
31. Law of Attraction Art Journal
32. Sewing my wardrobe
33. Making all the bling
34, Writing books
35. Building websites

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